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Can Lifted Trucks Tow?
Lifting your vehicle is not just a hobby. It’s a lifestyle. Your lifted vehicle is used for adventuring the off roads and traversing the toughest terrains, but it is also a part of your everyday life. Sometimes one may begin to wonder if certain activities are fit for a lifted...
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What Are the Advantages of Wheel Spacers?
What are wheel spacers and are there any benefits in applying them to your vehicle? If you are new or want to divulge further into the vehicle modification and customization realm, then read along! This blog will inform you all about wheel spacers, the purposes of the different types available,...
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The History of Lifted Vehicles
Think that lifted vehicles are something current and with recent popularity? Then think again! There’s a whole history behind the use of lifted vehicles. The first of their kind date back up to World War II. The first thing one may think is the primary use of a lifted vehicle...
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Vehicle Lift Kits Guide: What’s the Right Lift Height for You?
Wanting to lift your vehicle and not sure what height would work best for you? Rest easy, this guide will give you tips and insights that will help you decide on the right lift height for you! Lift kits come in all kinds of sizes and lift options. There is...
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